
Beat Melanoma through Early Detection - Two Survivors Tell Their Story

2 Sep, 2020
May is Melanoma Awareness month and CANSA highlights the stories of two survivors living with skin cancer to help educate and promote early detection of cancer. 

People living with cancer are at a very high risk should they become infected with COVID-19 and so CANSA aims to educate and share early detection messages to avoid more people being diagnosed with cancer. 

Melanoma, though less common than other skin cancers, is lethal. Exposure of the skin to excessive ultraviolet (UV) radiation in childhood, increases the risk of melanoma later in life, though it may be possible to have a melanoma even if you haven’t had extreme UV exposure. Some melanomas are extremely aggressive and progress very rapidly within a few months. Early detection of melanoma is key to improved survival outcomes with 5-year survival rates being greater than 90% if detected early. Anyone, regardless of skin tone can get a melanoma. 

We’re so grateful for the successful collaboration and partnership between CANSA, Novartis South Africa and Stellenbosch University that led to an educational melanoma awareness video to share Naniki and Sonia’s stories and what skin checks to conduct. Our gratitude to Drs’ Bianca Tod and Willie Visser from Stellenbosch University for their valuable educational input. And to Novartis South Africa for their continuous support of our SunSmart campaign and health awareness activities.