

  • Students Against Melanoma (SAM) Clubs

    25 Oct, 2023

    RDK’s network of Students Against Melanoma is committed to empowering young people to lead skin cancer education and prevention initiatives in their schools and communities. SAM Clubs are student-run clubs that meet once a month in high schools and colleges to encourage all youth to get involved and stay sun safe in the fight against melanoma.
  • SunSmart America™ Curriculum

    25 Oct, 2023

    Feel free to explore RDK’s SunSmart America™ K-12 Curriculum. These resources promote the SunSmart America™ message and provide teachers with information anda range of classroom activities on skin cancer and sun protection for all grade levels.
  • Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation

    25 Oct, 2023

    Our mission is to save lives through education about the prevention and early detection of skin cancer, especially Melanoma.

    The Foundation’s vision is “to educate children throughout the country and give them the skills necessary to make healthy sun safety choices throughout their lives.” As the Foundation grows we will continue to advocate for school districts throughout the country to require sun safety education as part of their curriculum.